"We recently tested the [shRNA] and it worked like a charm! After testing both this and the [other shRNA] we previously purchased from you I have to say: You guys are awesome!"
National Institutes
of Health (NIH)

Custom AAV Production and AAV Packaging Services

At Vector Biolabs, we work side by side with our clients to design and construct AAV for all research and commercial needs, primarily:   

  • Custom AAV Production – With a curated gene library in our freezers, productions are typically delivered within 4-5 weeks from design.  
    • Custom AAV Production Case: A pharmaceutical company needed AAV vectors encoding 2 neuroprotective factors to inject into brain cells for Parkinson’s disease research. Vector Biolabs helped the customer come up with the best design, cloned both genes into our AAV backbone, and produced the ready for injection AAV virus.     
  • AAV Packaging Service – With our 20 years of expertise in plasmid packaging, productions are typically delivered within 2-3 weeks from receiving your plasmid.
    • AAV Packaging Case: A research lab aimed to study the role of a novel protein in neuronal development. They provided the plasmid encoding the protein. Vector Biolabs packaged the gene into AAV vectors and ensured precise quality control at each stage. The vectors were then used to transduce neurons, resulting in robust overexpression of the protein. 

Download our Custom AAV Brochure


"Exceptional quality and customer service! VectorBiolab’s Custom AAV Services exceeded my expectations. Quick delivery and the support team was incredibly helpful. Highly recommend Vector Biolabs!"
BioTech Research
Solutions, LLC

AAV Production Process

We begin by subcloning the gene of interest (GOI), shRNA or gRNA into a related pAAV cis-plasmid (optional).
Large-scale preparation of the pAAV cis-plasmid and complimentary plasmids using Qiagen Endo-free Mega Prep kits (optional).
Large-scale transfection of involved plasmids into 40x15cm plates of HEK293 cells.
Harvest the AAV production cells and purify the AAVs through a series of CsCl centrifiguations.
Determine the titer of the viral stock (in genome copy number per ml, or GC/ml) through quantitative real-time PCR.

Frequently Asked Questions

See below for key details on our custom AAV production and packaging services, such as what materials to provide, our production processes, available serotypes and promoters, capacity limits, expression options, yield and titer expectations, quality control processes, and production scales.

Custom AAV FAQ

For over-expression AAV construct, you need to provide us 5-10 ug plasmid DNA, the vector map, and sequence for your plasmid.

For shRNA AAV service, you should provide the exact RNAi sequence to be cloned into recombinant AAV vector if no plasmid is available. If you already have the shRNA in a plasmid vector, we prefer to use your shRNA plasmid instead of just the shRNA sequence info.

For gRNA AAV, you can provide the gRNA sequence you want to use. Please specify if your gRNA was designed for saCas9 or spCas9.

In that case, we need 120-500ug of your pAAV plasmid along with the vector map/sequence for viral production. The exact amount of plasmid needed depends on production scale. We also recommend using endotoxin-free maxi or mega prep if possible. If you only have small amount of AAV plasmid (or bacteria stab/glycerol stock), we can also start your AAV production from endotoxin-free plasmid prep of your AAV plasmid.
We can make AAV to over-express any genes (wildtype, mutant or synthetic) and to silence/knockout any genes from any species if you don’t have any starting material. Our scientists are available to discuss your specific requirement and come up with the recommended AAV constructs for your specific needed. We can then produce the AAV based on the agreed specification.
The entire AAV production process takes ~4-5 weeks starting from AAV cloning. If you perform the first subcloning and Qiagen Mega prep procedures for the cis AAV plasmid before sending it to us, our portion of the process will take ~2-3 weeks to complete.
We can produce AAV1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 for wild type serotypes, and any synthetic/mutate serotypes like AAV-DJ, DJ8, DJ9, AAV6.2, etc.
Yes, AAV has a packaging capacity of ~4.5Kb.
You can choose from over 250 vector options for the expression of cDNA, shRNA or sgRNA. Please contact us for more information about these expression options to see which one best fits your research requirements.
For large scale production, expected yield is 1ml of >=1×10¹³ GC/ml of purified AAV stocks for most serotypes. However, some genes are either toxic to cells or detrimental to AAV efficiency, and some serotypes (e.g, AAV 2, 3, 6) are low yield. In these cases, the expected titer may be lower. Our storage solution for all AAVs is PBS with 5% Glycerol, which is suitable for in vivo injection.